The English Open BJJ Championship 2022 will be held at the University of East London.
ADDRESS: 4-6 University Way, London, E16 2RD
The competition will be on Saturday 26th November 2022 (Juniors & Juveniles morning, white belts afternoon) and Sunday 27th November 2022 (coloured belts). Adult and Master divisions 1-7. The event is Gi only.
Weigh ins will be on the day you fight just before your first match, Competitors must weigh in with there gi and belt on (weight chart next page). If you fail to make weight you will be disqualified. We do not recommend anyone cutting any weight.
Absolute division registration will take place on the day and will only be open to medallists of weight divisions. Gis must be according to IBJJF rules.
Free car parking available on site, spectator fees are £10 payable at the door on the day.
All matches will follow IBJJF rules. If you are not familiar with the rules you can watch videos using the link below on IBJJF website and YouTube.
IBJJF Rules YouTube Tutorials
IBJJF Rule Book
To enter go to www.smoothcomp.com/en/event/7857 and at the top of the screen you will be able to select “Register to Event”, then complete the form to create an account and then register. Please enter “Odyssey BJJ” as the Academy. The deadline to enter is 21st November but would recommend doing asap as sometimes can be closed early due to reaching capacity.
On the week of the event the brackets will be released, and you can view your schedule by logging into your smooth comp. On the day the timings are updated in real time which might change your match time so ensure you arrive with at least 2 hours to hand.
If you’re interested but haven’t competed before, we recommend you speak to one of the coaches before entering. We can then explain in a bit more detail about what to expect and answer any questions you might have.
We recommend as many people as possible to enter this event from our team, if you can’t compete due to being injured etc then please turn up and support your teammates, let’s take a big team to this event.
The Coaching Team